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super mountain Girls Staff

Producer: Lakpa Nurbu Sherpa

プロデューサー:ラクパ シェルパ




Family Alpine Trek&Expedition (Management Director)

Mr.Lakpa has experienced much mountain climbing and a guide.

He succeeded in Everest gaining the summit in May, 2013.

Chairman/President:NPO Nepal Volunteer Social Service

Chairperson:Sherpa Kiduk Sankhuwasabha Association 

He is doing many volunteer activities for Nepal people.



ファミリーアルペントレックエクスペディション 取締役

ラクパ氏は数多くの登山、ガイドを経験し、2013年5月エベレスト登頂を果たす。2014年 NPO ネパールボランティアソーシャルサービス、

シェルパキドク サンクワサバ 協会委員長就任。



Director: Motoya Shiraishi

ディレクター:モトヤ シライシ



He makes many artists on a major music scene of Japan.

It turns to work of the global entertainment by the Internet, and is under activity. A design, music, art, etc. propose activity of entertainment industry among resources or geographically disadvantageous countries.

The producer of a music & image







Director: Yasushi Hasegawa

ディレクター:ヤスシ ハセガワ



He is VFX supervisor on behalf of Japan.

Iproduce a picture.

He plays an active part in the field of major CM movie.

He has the receiving a prize careers such as ACC prizes.


2015 He produced a movie on the theme of the Himalayas.

2016 theatrical release.



CM 映画をはじめとするメジャー分野で活躍、ACC賞等の受賞歴をもつ。





Music: HUGE M (Yudai Matsumoto)

オンガク:Huge M(ユーダイ マツモト)



Spirited young music creator, Youtube animation reproduction a little less than 2 million times with the hamminbird name.  new generation musician 。


気鋭の若手音楽クリエーター、hamminbird名義でのYoutube動画再生は200万回近い。The BackPackバンドをを結成。アコーステックからエレクトロまでこなす新世代ミュージシャン。

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